A cooler year on a warming planet


New York Times .earth blog |  Andrew Revkin  |  December 16, 2008 12:56 PM

NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the World Meteorological Organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Britain’s Hadley Center have all issued recaps of the past year’s temperature patterns today.

The past year, according to the NASA group (the “meteorological year” from December through November), is between the 7th and 12th warmest (because of the range of uncertainty in readings) since systematic meteorological record-keeping began in 1880. But the Goddard scientists note that the 9 warmest years in the record have occurred since 1998…  Read the entire post here

1 thought on “A cooler year on a warming planet

  1. Joe Romm at Climate Progress has a related story pointing out that, “Unfortunately, the greatest warming in 2008 came in the worst possible place for humanity — the Siberian tundra.”

    See http://climateprogress.org/2008/12/17/nasa-another-brutally-hot-year-for-the-siberian-tundra/

    The map of the 2008 temperature surface anomaly with a large red blob over Siberia is truly frightening given the amount of methane stored in the permafrost.

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