A new documentary titled “HOME” (directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and produced by Luc Besson) is now up on youtube (click the link above). Still need to watch it the whole way through (so no promises on the content), but the cinematography so far is incredible. More here.
Thanks Jez – this film is awesome!
Wow, just watched that video. Must say on all the blogs I visit, I hadnt seen that one before, it was pretty good. I didnt think they could put clips that size on you tube.
Some of the things in that video that need to be re-iterated is :
1) Humanity has never lived in a time when Co2 was so high. Sure you can point to times in millions of years past where Co2 concentrations were higher, but the important thing is, it is the relative stability of the holocene period that has enabled man to thrive like it has. Without the benefit of a time machine & a spare planet exactly like ours to conduct experiments on, we dont know the consequences of changing that balance.
2) When it comes to our planets ecosystem, there is no country borders. The planet doesnt understand Australia, USA, China, India, UK. Its a shared atmosphere.
3) 3/4 of fishing grounds are either exhuasted, depleted or in dangerous decline. Places like the Tsukiji fish market have only increased output year on year. It doesnt take a genius to realise that there is little sustainable farming in our oceans, its just hunting. There is no breeding program, no sustainability checks, its just fish one area out & move onto the next. Wont be surprising if we see more species like dolphin being harvested after the blue fin tuna numbers plummet & a request for more “scientific whaling”.
Good video thanks.