Now this is something you’d think all those self-proclaimed skeptics would be skeptical about. But you’d be wrong, e.g., see here, here and here. Note that despite being debunked days ago, all these sites are still carrying the story with no correction. Including Mark Morano’s Climate Depot:
It took scientist Michael Tobis, a scientist at the University of Texas, just a few emails and questions to debunk the entire crazy story.
See full coverage here on the excellent Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media.
A Cruel Climate Hoax Perpetrated On Texas Fourth Grader in Name of NSF
By Zeke Hausfather | June 8, 2010
On June 5th the local newspaper in Beeville, a small town in Southern Texas, published a story about a local 4th grade student who had it said had just won the Junior Division of the National Science Fair for a project entitled “Disproving Global Warming.” The student, Julisa Castillo, had received a package containing a trophy, medal, and plaque, along with a letter purporting to be from an official at the National Science Foundation and announcing her selection as the first place winner out of 50,000 projects entered from 50 states.
In the course of two days, the story had spread around to dozens of blogs, hundreds of twitter posts, and various media outlets. It also appears to have been an elaborate hoax.