Meeting report available on ocean acidification and its impacts.

Experts interested in ocean acidification and affiliated with academic and federal agencies in the United States met for the first time the Woods hole in March 22-24 of this year.  There are a number of interesting presentations and videos to watch of leading scientists discussing the issues at the meeting website.

The motivation for this meeting was to aid the development of the national ocean acidification research program, the OCB ocean acidification subcommittee seeks to bring the OA community together while many research projects in the U.S. are still in their early phases.  They hope this will foster collaborations that will maximize all outcomes of the research: the research findings themselves, the associated education and outreach activities, data management efforts, and future research planning.

3 thoughts on “Meeting report available on ocean acidification and its impacts.

  1. Ed Miles was only one with real concept of what
    “social scienFst” means
    – For purposes of our discussion, we talked about
    • (probably offending enFre departments of anthropology, poliFcal science, internaFonal relaFons, etc.)
    – Ed pointed out that there is a problem with the
    reward structures of our fields
    • But we’re not going to change that
    – SFck with trying to talk to applied folks

    yeah, fascinating.

  2. Pingback: The Climate Change Debate Thread - Page 825

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