The lies of Bob Carter and Anthony Watts

Denier disciples Bob Carter and Anthony Watts are giving a talk in Brisbane tonight at The Irish Club (175 Elizabeth Street, 7:00 pm).

The Climate Shifts crew and other scientists will be there en masse to record and debunk the lies that will be told.

But as a primer, we thought a simple compilation of the lies these two fools have been spreading would be valuable background information for any media planning to cover the event.

Bob Carter: Bob is a geologist associated with James Cook Uni.  Bob was a key player in one of the most recent denier scandals, aka “Cartergate” (see here and here).  The CS collection of articles on Bob’s falsehoods and shoddy science is here.  Also see Deltoid’s impressive collection here.

Anthony Watts: Tonight’s headliner is a former TV weatherman, known for his claims that the earth is cooling and is really square.  Well see here and here and  watch the videos:



8 thoughts on “The lies of Bob Carter and Anthony Watts

  1. and how bias the crowd tends to be.

    I reckon going by the recent Monckton carnival shows all around Australia, that there will be about a 90% denier faithful crowd & a 10% pro AGW crowd.

    Watts will simply repeat his same ol crap like climategate & Phil Jones were never exonerated, surface stations will be an established fact. The ice is increasing, the oceans are getting cooler, the AGW proponents are on the verge of collapse, the shows over, the games up, the hoax is over, the scientists are exposed, science has proven Watts right, its just that no one but Climate Audit, WUWT & Climate Depot will back him, its all a conspiracy & so on & so forth.

  2. Ohh, and i guess that hairspray (thats made of evaporating alcohol),thats sprayed in someones bathroom, is defying the earths gravitational pull and damaging the ozone layers from thousands of miles away! Talk about illiterate! If you cant smell it – than its not there! Think about it! The Bible states that time, everything will be shortend! Natural disasters, etc. have always been here! It has nothing to do with Global Warming! Its to bad they didn’t teach you common sense in college! –when something evaporates it’s mollecules keep change shape and it dies!

  3. If you have any knowledge about reef formation and calcification in corals, don’t read the comments on Watts’ blog or follow the link to Matt Ridley’s rebuttal of criticism of his book. You’ll end up with a bruised forehead from all the face-palms.

  4. Ohh, and i guess that hairspray (thats made of evaporating alcohol),thats sprayed in someones bathroom, is defying the earths gravitational pull and damaging the ozone layers from thousands of miles away!

    Errr, you do know CFC’s were banned in the 80’s dont you?

    If you cant smell it – than its not there! Think about it!

    So you would be happy to stay in a room whereby the we remove the oxygen & fill it with Co2 instead? By your reasoning, if you cant smell it, then the Co2 isnt there, so your safe. Great work professor.

    The Bible states that time, everything will be shortend!

    Wait……did you just say….”the bible states”…..sheeesh you did! Its not my eyes. A book of fiction is what we should be relying on for scientific opinion? I’m guessing you went to one of those schools that have replaced science class with intelligent design eh?

    Sadly, this typifies what many deniers are like & why Anthony Watts & his readers are in a world of their own. Populated with hacks,right wing journalists, religious folk, fossil fuel lobbyists & “amateur scientists”, they rail against the scientific world because it doesnt fit their paradigm they have invented & belief system inside the snow dome they live in.

  5. Pingback: Climate half-truths turn out to be whole lies | SeaMonster

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