Plain speaking from Matt England

Here is a bit of plain speaking on the post below from Matt England on the ABC.

MATTHEW CARNEY: So in your view, is it hard empirical evidence that CO2 was the driver and today is the driver of global warming?

MATTHEW ENGLAND: It is absolutely clear evidence that carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases are required to explain the de-glaciation, absolutely. You cannot explain the Ice Age cycles without the warming capacity of greenhouse gases so this is very clear evidence of their role in our climate and of course for today’s increasing greenhouse gases, very clear evidence that they do affect our climate on massive scales.

MATTHEW CARNEY: So what does it mean for today’s debate?

MATTHEW ENGLAND: Oh, there is no debate in terms of the role of greenhouse gases in climate. If anybody says there is a debate they are either unaware of simple facts of physics or they are outright lying so it is another piece of evidence.


Carbon dioxide ended last Ice Age: study


Ice coreHave a look at this nice peice of work from Nature … corrects a piece of evidence that didn’t quite add up.


Carbon dioxide was the big driver that ended the last Ice Age, according to a new study of ice core data from around the world.

About 10,000-20,000 years ago, Earth started to emerge from a quarter million years of deep freeze as the terrestrial ice sheet rolled back and warmer temperatures prevailed.

What caused the end of this age, known as the Pleistocene, has long been debated.

Until now, the main evidence has come from ice cores drilled in Antarctica whose air bubbles are a tiny time capsule of our climate past.

Traces of CO2 in Antarctic ice show that carbon concentrations in the atmosphere rose after temperatures were on the rise.

This timing has been used by sceptics as proof that man-made carbon gases either do not cause global warming or at least do not make it as bad as mainstream scientists say.

But the new study, published in Nature , indicates that the Antarctic record doesn’t reflect global temperature rise. Continue reading

Institute for Public Affairs true colours: under fire from scientists over Plimer book mail out

UPDATE:  in response to the misinformation that mining geologist Ian Plimer has been distributing, the Australian Department of Climate Change has reviewed his book and found it to be factually wrong, dishonest and misleading.   Read their assessment of Ian Plimer’s 101 climate questions here.

Matthew Knott, 5 April 2012, Power Index

Scientists and teachers have accused free market think tank The Institute of Public Affairs of spreading disinformation by sending copies of Ian Plimer’s latest book to hundreds of schools around the country.

Plimer’s tome, How to Get Expelled from School: a guide to climate change for pupils, parents and punters, argues that the theory of man-made global warming is a scientific and financial scam.

Will Steffen, executive director of the Australian National University’s Climate Change Institute, described the IPA’s bid to influence science teaching as a “dangerous development”.

“They’re an advocacy group; they’re putting forward the position of vested interests,” he said. “This can happen in the political sphere; it shouldn’t happen in the educational sphere. Continue reading

Climate scientists and smear campaigns

Michael MannMichael E. Mann is a member of the Pennsylvania State University faculty, holding joint positions in the Departments of Meteorology and Geosciences and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI). He shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 with other scientists who participated in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

(CNN) — Imagine you are sitting in your office simply doing your job and a nasty e-mail pops into your inbox accusing you of being a fraud. You go online and find that some bloggers have written virulent posts about you. That night, you’re at home with your family watching the news and a talking head is lambasting you by name. Later, a powerful politician demands all your e-mails from your former employer.

It sounds surreal. But it all happened to me. Continue reading