Projections of sea level rise are vast underestimates

New Scientist, 29 November 2012 by Anil Ananthaswamy

Expect more water to lap at your shores. That’s the take-home message from two studies out this week that look at the latest data on sea level rise due to climate change.

The first shows that current projections for the end of the century may seriously underestimate the rise in global sea levels. The other, on the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, looks at just how much of the water stored up there has been moving into the oceans.

Both demonstrate that global warming is a real and imminent threat. Continue reading

Energy White Paper plans to burn, burn, burn it all

Chris McGrathDr Chris McGrath, Barrister-at-Law and Senior lecturer, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management

Burn it all. That is the plan in Australia’s new Energy White Paper.

Released yesterday by Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson, it talks about responding to climate change while planning the opposite.

It is true that the Energy White Paper plans to diversify energy production and includes initiatives for renewable energy but this is additional to burning all of our coal and gas reserves. Continue reading