The IPCC has spelled out the risks – now what do we do?

SPM AR5 FlameOve Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland.  From The ConversationMarch 31 2014.

Despite the mounting evidence, there are still some who would deny the veracity of human-caused climate change and its potential to disrupt and harm our communities. Most dissenters rely on non-expert sources, which tend to have low grades of analysis, review and scientific integrity. Not so with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the latest part of which has been released today. Continue reading

IPCC preview: deep trouble brewing in our oceans

nr3g7tvk-1394507397Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland.  From The Conversation, March 26, 2014

Scientists are meeting this week in Yokohama, Japan, to finalise and approve the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Working Group II – the part of the IPCC process that seeks consensus on the likely impacts of climate change, as well as how it might change the vulnerability of people and ecosystems, and how the world might seek to adapt to the changes.

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Bernie Fraser: ‘brazen falsehoods’ and ‘misinformation’ have confused a switched-off and fed-up public

Bernie FraserLenore Taylor, political editor, The Guardian, March 11 2014

One of the country’s most experienced policy thinkers draws a brutal conclusion about Australia’s climate change debate: the “good guys” have lost the argument because they failed to contest untruths peddled by “bad guys”, including the federal government.

Bernie Fraser, the chairman of the independent climate change authority, which the Abbott government intends to abolish, is a softly spoken former governor of the reserve bank and former secretary of the federal treasury, not known for simplistic assessments of major policy discussions. Continue reading

Is Australia shooting itself in the foot with reef port expansions?


Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland.  From The Conversation, March 14, 2014

With the approval of dredging as part of the Abbot Point port expansion, Australia has given the green light to an increase in coal exports. While opposition to the plan has focused primarily on the effects of dumping dredge spoil near the Great Barrier Reef, climate change has been missing from the discussion.

Increasing coal exports will play a significant part in the decline of the Great Barrier Reef, and will prove to be a very uneconomical decision for Australia.

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